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  • Writer's pictureJonathan Stoddard

The Rise of Dengue Fever in Florida: Mosquitoes at the Forefront

Dengue fever infographics — Vector

With its sun-kissed beaches and balmy climate, Florida has always been a haven for residents and tourists alike. However, recent years have seen the Sunshine State grappling with an unwelcome guest: Dengue fever. The culprit? The seemingly innocent but undeniably pesky mosquito.

What is Dengue Fever?

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral infection that causes flu-like symptoms, including high fever, severe headache, pain behind the eyes, joint and muscle pain, rash, and mild bleeding (e.g., nose or gum bleed, easy bruising). The infection is caused by the dengue virus, of which there are four distinct serotypes (DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, DENV-4). A person can be infected with dengue more than once, as immunity to one serotype does not grant immunity to the others.

Here are some key points about Dengue fever:

  • Transmission: The virus is primarily transmitted to humans through the bites of infected female mosquitoes, mainly the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which is prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. The Aedes albopictus mosquito can also transmit the virus.

  • Severe Forms: While many people recover from the symptoms within a week, some may develop severe dengue. This can result in complications like dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) or dengue shock syndrome (DSS). DHF can cause bleeding, blood plasma leakage, and low platelet count, while DSS involves dangerously low blood pressure.

  • Diagnosis and Treatment: Dengue is diagnosed through blood testing. There's no specific treatment for dengue fever, but pain relievers with acetaminophen can alleviate symptoms. Aspirin and NSAIDs should be avoided as they can increase the risk of bleeding. In severe cases, supportive care with intravenous (IV) fluids may be required.

  • Prevention: The best way to prevent dengue fever is to protect oneself from mosquito bites. This can be done using insect repellent, wearing protective clothing, and ensuring living areas are well-screened or netted. Efforts to reduce mosquito populations, such as eliminating stagnant water where they breed, can also be effective.

  • Vaccine: A vaccine for dengue (Dengvaxia) has been developed and is approved in some countries. However, its use is subject to specific recommendations based on the local epidemiology of dengue.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified dengue as one of the top 10 threats to global health, with cases increasing dramatically in recent decades. The best defense against dengue is community-wide efforts to reduce mosquito populations and raise public awareness about preventing mosquito bites.

Florida's Rising Dengue Cases

Global warming and climate change vector infographics — Photo

Over the past few years, Florida has seen a noticeable uptick in the number of Dengue cases. From isolated incidents in the past, Dengue has begun making its mark more frequently on Florida's health radar.

Factors Contributing to the Rise:

  • Climate Changes: Florida's increasing temperatures and altered rain patterns create a conducive environment for mosquitoes to thrive.

  • Increased Travel: Florida's status as a global travel hub means a constant influx of visitors, some of whom might inadvertently bring the virus from Dengue-endemic regions.

  • Urbanization: Rapid urban growth has led to water stagnation, poor waste management, and inadequate living conditions in some areas – the perfect breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

  • Public Awareness: Lack of adequate public health information can result in communities being unprepared or ill-equipped to manage mosquito populations effectively.

Mosquitoes: Small but Mighty Vectors

Mosquito sucking blood — Photo

The Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, the primary carriers of the Dengue virus, are not native to Florida. They were introduced from other regions and found Florida's climate to be a hospitable new home.

Interestingly, these mosquitoes are daytime feeders. This means that the common practice of only using repellents or protective measures during dusk and dawn might not be as effective against Dengue transmission. Their breeding habitats also differ. They prefer clean, stagnant water, often found in man-made containers like flower pots, bird baths, and discarded tires.

How to Prevent and Control Dengue Fever?

Dengue virus infographic: virus structure, transmission

Preventing and controlling the spread of dengue fever primarily revolves around averting mosquito bites and reducing mosquito populations. Here are several measures that can be taken:

1. Individual Protection Against Mosquito Bites:

  • Repellents: Use mosquito repellents on exposed skin and clothing. Opt for those that contain DEET, picaridin, IR3535, or oil of lemon eucalyptus for effective protection.

  • Clothing: Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants, preferably of light colors, as mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors. You can also treat clothes with repellents containing permethrin.

  • Physical Barriers: Use mosquito nets, especially when sleeping during the day. Ensure that homes have well-fitted screens on windows and doors to prevent mosquitoes from entering.

  • Air Conditioning: If feasible, use air conditioning, as it reduces the need to open windows and doors.

2. Mosquito Population Control:

  • Eliminate Breeding Sites: The Aedes aegypti mosquito, a primary vector of the dengue virus, breeds in clean, stagnant water. It's crucial to regularly check and remove stagnant water in containers like flower pots, pet dishes, birdbaths, buckets, and tires.

  • Cover Water Storage: Water tanks, cisterns, barrels, and other storage containers should be well-covered to prevent mosquitoes from entering and breeding.

  • Waste Management: Ensure that garbage is disposed of properly and not left in open containers. Regularly clean gutters and drains to prevent water accumulation.

  • Biological Control: Introduce natural mosquito predators, such as certain fish species (like guppy fish), to larger water bodies or containers. They feed on mosquito larvae, reducing their numbers.

  • Chemical Control: Larvicides can be used to treat large containers of water that can't be emptied. Adulticides, or fogging, can kill adult mosquitoes but should be used judiciously and as a temporary measure, ideally in response to outbreaks.

3. Public Health Measures:

  • Surveillance: Governments and health organizations should maintain robust surveillance systems to quickly detect and respond to dengue outbreaks.

  • Public Awareness: Conduct community outreach and educational campaigns to inform the public about dengue, its risks, and methods of prevention.

  • Travel Advisory: For areas experiencing dengue outbreaks, potential travelers should be informed of the risks and preventive measures.

  • Vaccination: In areas where the dengue vaccine is approved and available, it may be administered following official recommendations based on local epidemiology. However, the vaccine is not a standalone solution and should be part of a broader integrated strategy to control dengue.

Why Hire Imperial Pest Prevention For Our Mosquito Reduction Program?

Worker fogging residential area with insecticides

Mosquitoes are more than just a buzzing nuisance; they are potential carriers of diseases like dengue, Zika, chikungunya, West Nile Virus, and more. Controlling their population in your surroundings isn't just a matter of comfort but of health and safety. If you're looking to protect your home or business from these pesky invaders, Imperial Pest Prevention stands out as the go-to choice for a comprehensive Mosquito Reduction Program. Here's why:

1. Expertise and Experience:

  • Trained Professionals: Our team consists of licensed professionals with in-depth knowledge of mosquito biology, breeding habits, and the most effective control techniques.

  • Years in Business: With years of experience in the field, we have honed our techniques and approaches to offer services that are both effective and safe.

2. Comprehensive Approach:

  • Site Evaluation: Before initiating any control measures, our experts conduct a thorough site evaluation to identify breeding sites and high-risk areas. This ensures targeted and effective treatment.

  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM): We adopt an IPM approach, which combines various methods like biological, chemical, and physical controls. This ensures a holistic and environmentally conscious approach to mosquito reduction.

3. State-of-the-Art Techniques and Products:

  • Safe Treatments: Our mosquito treatments are designed to be safe for both humans and pets. We prioritize environmentally friendly solutions that pose minimal risks.

  • Cutting-edge Tools: We invest in the latest equipment and technologies to ensure the efficient delivery of our services.

4. Education and Awareness:

  • Client Education: Apart from offering services, we believe in empowering our clients with knowledge. We provide insights on preventive measures, potential breeding grounds, and ways to maintain a mosquito-free environment after treatment.

  • Staying Updated: The world of pest control is ever-evolving. Our team continuously updates its knowledge through training programs, ensuring that we are always at the forefront of industry best practices.

5. Cost-Effective and Transparent Pricing:

  • No Hidden Charges: With Imperial Pest Prevention, what you see is what you get. Our pricing is transparent, with no hidden fees or charges.

  • Customized Plans: Recognizing that every property is unique, we offer customized plans tailored to your specific needs and budget.

6. Exceptional Customer Service:

  • Prompt Response: Mosquito problems can escalate quickly. That's why we prioritize a swift response to service requests, ensuring that your concerns are addressed promptly.

  • Aftercare and Follow-ups: Our job doesn't end after the initial treatment. We provide aftercare services and routine follow-ups to ensure the effectiveness of our treatments over time.


When it comes to protecting your space from mosquitoes, settling for anything less than the best is not an option. Imperial Pest Prevention's Mosquito Reduction Program offers the perfect blend of expertise, efficiency, and eco-consciousness. So, give yourself the peace of mind you deserve and entrust your mosquito woes to the experts.

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